Master your slip cover skills today! Join our slip cover expert and instructor Bernice King as she takes you on the journey of making a slip cover from A-Z for this wonderful Parsons chair. The beauty of slip covers, they are easy, quick and require minimal tools!
Bernice King has been making slipcovers for over 30 years. When the demand for slipcovers became a significant part of her window treatment and interior design business, she saw the need to improve her skills. First by taking classes then later teaching with the Slipcover Network, she found a source for “all things slipcover”. There she found sources for supplies and fabrics. There was also an endless supply of expertise offered by experienced slipcover makers. She taught at the annual Slipcover Summit for 13 years. Classes were offered in her studio as well. She later developed her own techniques designed to make the process more accurate, faster and easier on the body of the pinner.
If you have any questions about the class before you sign up head over to the contact page and reach out to Upholstery On Broadway.
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