A long married elderly couple called me to reupholster their love seat , Little did I know that the story of their loveseat would be the most unusual story I heard concerning a piece of furniture. They sat me down opposite the loveseat while they sat on the piece in question, Holding hands they told me a few years ago during a fierce New England hurricane on Cape Cod , the ocean crashed thru their waterfront home washing all the contents into the Atlantic including the Love seat. They continued , Days later when they went to survey the demolished house, realizing nothing was left of all their mementos. They despaired. They decided to take a walk on the beach and discussed how their marriage has survived many other storms and they would bounce back from this loss.
They exchanged “I LOVE YOU’S when they noticed a large object looming ahead, as they got closer their Love seat was standing upright and washed on the beach ! Tearfully they sat down and kissed.