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How to Make a Small Space Stand Out

Living in the Boston area, you know the value of a square foot. Whether it's a charming studio apartment in Beacon Hill or a home office tucked away in a Wakefield multi-family, customizing your furniture to maximize functionality and comfort in a small space is key. ...
Kevin Kennedy

Kevin Kennedy

Master Upholsterer

After 40+ years of upholstering ive seen some really crazy things, check out some of these hard to belive stories below!

I Upholstered Napoleon Bonaparte’s Chair

Upholstering the Infamous Napoleon's chair. Where do I even start with this one! With Napoleon being such a polarizing figure, I knew I had to go about this carefully. My excitement was overwhelming.  I approached reupholstering the chair as a costly museum piece...

The Salty Loveseat

A long married elderly couple called me to reupholster their love seat , Little did I know that the story of their loveseat would be the most unusual story I heard concerning a piece of furniture. They sat me down opposite the loveseat while they sat on the piece in...

The Reverend’s Chairs

My reverend friend had me upholster 4 throne chairs . She lamented that she didn’t have 6 to fill out her Dining table. She asked if I had ever seen any like them, I said no and the chances she would find two alike were very long odds. She said I will pray. The ever...

Strange Lettering

MANY years ago my mentor who had been upholstering for many years, finished a handsome wing chair and gave me the task of delivering it on a hot summer day. Mrs. Jones was very happy and paid for the job. The next week however things took a very bizarre turn when I...

The Hair Growing Chairs!

Early in my career I was given 6 upholstered seat dining room chairs that where very difficult. Make matters worse a fine white linen was chosen, as bad luck would have it the shop was introduced to a great new batting called “bonded Dacron” at the same time, Which I...

My cameo on Friends! Upholstering the “Friends” Sofa!

I entertained a call here at the shop about a month ago, a very mysterious call about only repairing a popped button. The customer was reluctant to give me any other details, only the address in Boston and instructions on the entrance to the big factory building that...

The Civil War Sofa – Bringing back memories

The in house estimate on the antique sofa seemed like every other, except there was something very familiar about the workmanship of the last upholsterer. I was told the sofa was Civil War era. "Whoever did it last was a good upholsterer but struggled with the curves...

What we’ve been up to for the last few months! UPDATE!

What we’ve been up to for the last few months. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying our online classes! As you know , a lot has changed since we finished filming our last semester. We’ve taken advantage of this time off by completely revamping our store front for...

Is This John Belushi’s Sofa!??

John Belushi’s sofa came to the shop! When my customer called to say she had it I tried to imagine what John’s sofa would look like. Sometimes I ask people “if you were a piece of furniture what would you be”? I get some interesting responses like “I would be a wing...

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